Data infrastructure reset for Zoot

We created a functional, cheaper and clearer data structure based on a new logic. This helped Zoot get their data and costs under control.

Reduction in costs


Less objects


Improvement in data literacy

Complicated data structures become too expensive

We joined Zoot when it was going through a transformation process. The company had a new owner who revised the way the company worked. They were missing an experienced data team and operated a system with seven years of history. The setup made it hard to perform operational changes, creating a need to review and revisit the technology they were using. Another critical point was that the company was spending an unnecessary amount of money on the technology itself. We were asked to help them discover a better way to manage their data.

Our data specialist thoroughly analyzed the existing data structure and concluded that it was too complicated, didn’t meet user needs, and most importantly, cost too much to operate. We became part of a newly created data team at Zoot, where we started looking for ways to better manage this data. After a joint discussion, we decided that it would be better to build a new data structure based on how the company actually operates.

Having a systematic view and building new logic

We completely understand that in day-to-day operations, there is no time to take a step back and think about the system as a whole. Here we had a great advantage. As an outside company, we were not influenced by the internal processes and could look at the whole thing systematically.

In the beginning, we simply asked ourselves a question: What do I need to see and know when I run an e-shop? With this logic in mind, we built various data sources in collaboration with Zoot: warehouses, stores, etc.

Lower costs and easy access to data

And the result? Zoot now uses the same technology, but its spending has dropped to about half of the original amount. Data is not duplicated, unnecessary copies have disappeared, and the system has a new data structure that is clear and understandable. The client has the reporting and the ease of access to the data they need. This makes the staff less dependent on the data team.

More importantly, the users are working with a single source of data they can trust.

Are you looking to simplify your data infrastructure and make it cheaper too? Just get in touch.

Client Profile

Zoot, a brand under Digital People, is a well-known large Czech online store with clothing and accessories.


Prague, Czechia



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