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The taste of Artificial Intelligence – AI-Powered Food Apps, Automation and Learning

AI-Powered Food Apps, Automation and Learning

Even though nothing beats homemade roast beef, sometimes you crave a change. To try something new, exotic, and maybe even spicy. Surely, you have gone through heaps of recipes, and when you finally find something worth trying, you fail.

You are missing four types of spices. You keep searching. Here, you don’t have the fresh herbs that are supposedly essential. Maybe you’ll just cook a sausage. Or you can try AI and be surprised by how much time it saves you.

AI food apps – Why Should You Try Them?

Let’s agree from the start to call them AI food apps instead of "applications used in the field of food service". It simply sounds better. And it’s the same thing.

Now that we have the formalities out of the way, let's scare you a bit. There are thousands of AI food apps. It's hard to navigate them. But knowing what they can help you with makes it easier. So let’s introduce them.

AI can help you manage inventory, order necessary ingredients, and notify you when items are nearing expiration. Or suggest you switch suppliers if your current one is out of the beer that attracts the most customers to your place.

AI food apps can:

  • recommend where to eat – so if you’re looking for the best Japanese ramen in town, you’ll find it in seconds. Similarly, if you’re traveling, these apps can find restaurants in your vicinity. Especially those that are open and serve great food.
  • prepare a shopping list – so you don’t have to dread how many items you forgot while unpacking your bags. Artificial intelligence learns from your previous purchases and can even remind you that you haven’t bought laundry detergent in a while.
  • monitor what we eat – and whether we eat at all. Because sometimes in the hustle and bustle of work, we forget to eat. And it shows in the evening. Unfortunately, we’re not as young as we used to be.
  • digitize your recipes – You carefully rewrite all your recipes into a recipe book so you can read them again next year when you bake. Or write everything into online apps where you’ll have everything neatly in one place. Plus, there’s no risk of getting your beloved recipe book dirty with doughy hands.
  • adapt recipes to diets and restrictions – maybe you need to cook only vegan meals. Or your daughter has a lactose allergy. Use food apps that generate the right recipes based on your specified restrictions.
  • process the entire order – the user simply chooses the meal from the comfort of home, pays, and waits for delivery. You only receive the order, prepare it, and hand it over to the courier.

In restaurants, they monitor the contents of fridges and freezers – and alert you when some ingredients are running low. They even prepare a complete list of what you should reorder. Then, just confirm the order with a single click.

There are indeed a plethora of apps available today. And as you can see, their uses are limitless. Let’s introduce some of them in more detail. Especially those that will really benefit us ordinary people.

Sure, here is the translation of the provided text with the relevant keywords integrated:

Apps that track calories and nutritional values

Who among us hasn’t thought at least twenty times in their life that they need to lose a few pounds? However, very few can stick to those strict diet rules, especially at the beginning. There are so many of them, and just thinking about how many meals you can forget about...

Try starting with apps that track what you eat. You might find out that you consume twice as many calories daily as you should. The app will keep an eye on your diet, and without giving up your favorite foods, you can start reducing gradually.

You can try:

  • Calory – It counts calories and even monitors your hydration. For a perfect overview, you can create weekly, monthly, and yearly graphs, track your weight, and create your own recipe book.
  • Yazio – Along with counting consumed calories, this app helps you set intermittent fasting goals, calculates your BMI, ideal body weight, and burned calories.

Of course, the results won’t be as effective as if you were following a strict diet and had the best fitness trainer. But it’s a good start.

Work with the ingredients you have on hand

It’s a problem that, even when we find a solution, returns the next day. What will we cook today? Let’s promise ourselves that we will solve this once and for all. Try apps that can help you with this, based on what you have in your fridge.

The principle is really simple. You select the ingredients you have bought, and let the app generate recipes for you to cook with them.

Example Applications

For instance, try the web application SuperCook, or if you prefer mobile apps, download:

  • Food by Samsung – This app will be a great assistant for finding new dishes, creating meal plans, or ordering ingredients you are missing. And if you have digital appliances from the same brand, rejoice. You can connect them all. Leave the chicken in the oven and set the timer to start baking so that you are welcomed by the smell of a freshly cooked dinner when you arrive home.
  • Be My Chef – Select the ingredients you have on hand and choose from hundreds of recipes. The app can take into account your dietary preferences and foods you dislike.

If you run a restaurant or cafeteria, you can have such an overview of the ingredients in your kitchen that as soon as something is running out, AI will notify you. Or it will prepare a whole list that you just need to approve and send to the supplier.

Teach AI food apps what you like. So if you mostly eat fish and chicken, they won’t recommend pork steak. Similarly, you can use them to replace ingredients you don't have or that someone in your family is allergic to. No matter the situation, artificial intelligence and food apps can solve it.

From Shopping Lists to Custom Menus

You know the situation. At home, you know exactly what you need to buy. As soon as you enter the store, you forget half of it and end up not buying at least four items. To avoid this, you can write everything down on paper, but you risk losing it or forgetting to take it with you. However, you always take your phone. So take advantage of it. Write your shopping list in one of these AI apps:

  • Grocery AI – NNot only can you create a clear shopping list, but it can do much more. Take a photo of the meal you have in front of you. Grocery AI will generate a recipe so you can make the restaurant meal at home. Compare the prices of individual groceries in different stores. Once you create a list, you'll know where to buy what to save money.
  • Frootyapp – Tell what you need to buy to the app. It will create a clear list where you can easily check off what’s already in your cart. And if you have no idea what to buy, let it create a shopping list based on your previous purchases.

The more you use food apps, the better they will know you. So if the algorithm notices that you buy milk every two weeks, it will remind you if you might be missing it on your shopping list.

Meal Planning

There are also apps that help you create a meal plan for the entire week. This is invaluable; who has time to think about it all the time? It’s also a win for restaurants, cafeterias, and pubs. The latest AI apps evaluate:

  • What people like
  • What they order most often and in what combinations
  • In which months certain dishes sell better
  • If there is an upcoming supplier shortage and who to contact.

Artificial Intelligence will help you manage your stock, order the ingredients you need and alert you when goods are about to expire. Or that you should change your supplier because yours is currently out of the beer that most people come to you for.

Food Recognition Apps

Perhaps you need to watch your diet very carefully, maybe due to health restrictions. You certainly don't want to carry a notebook around or jot things down in phone notes, which can be confusing and often forgotten. This doesn’t add to efficiency or health.

Try apps that allow you to keep complete and organized records. Just take a photo of what’s on your plate. The app recognizes the food and automatically fills in the details. And if you forget to document your meal, it will remind you.

AI is also a welcome assistant in restaurants. We can all agree that photographing every dish on your menu is impossible. The menu would have so many pages that no one would manage to order anything before closing time. However, for dishes from other countries, it can be handy. Instead of searching online and then going back to the menu again and again, provide your customers with an online menu where they can view specific items with a photo. It's a great solution for foreign cuisines.

Artificial intelligence in the food industry

You’ve probably heard of self-service checkouts in cafeterias. And you know checkout counters without cashiers personally. They are in almost every larger grocery store today, making shopping a quick affair.

Another novelty entering the market is automated stores. A salesperson is present for a certain number of hours per day, but you can visit the store anytime. It's just you, cameras, and sensors. Sure, it may sound a bit daunting. But for villages with few inhabitants, it's a perfect solution. You can shop anytime without having to drive fifteen kilometers to the nearest supermarket.

Automation in the Food Industry

Artificial intelligence can be used everywhere. It is very beneficial for companies that deliver food. We have already written about the operating principles. And what about marketing?

From time to time, you prepare some novelty, and occasionally you want to promote specific dishes. Why waste money on advertising that is shown to the wrong people? Connect AI with food apps, which, based on order history, recommend to users what fits into their usual purchasing behavior.

Moreover, you will please your customers this way. Imagine that your customer is a vegetarian. They only order meat-free meals. They will certainly appreciate it if you recommend a new meat-free dish rather than praising that new excellent bloody steak.

And we shouldn't forget about voice assistants and chatbots. They are great and save you hours of time and money. Instead of ten operators, you only need two. Sophisticated AI can now create a real order from a voice command. And if customers have specific requests, your voice assistant can easily transfer them to a live person.

A chatbot is very useful if a customer makes a mistake and needs to change something in their order. They simply provide their order number and the change they wish to make. Artificial intelligence then makes the changes in the order and updates it. And your operators didn't have to spend even a minute of unnecessary time on it.

What will you try first?

We can all agree that AI has a lot up its sleeve. There are already hundreds of food apps in the world today that you can try. And if you are missing something and would like to realize your idea, contact us. We will be happy to help you with the creation.

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